Tuesday 15 June 2010

Busy ... busy ... busy

The puppies are on to four solid meals a day now and it seems that I do little more each day then prepare their food, serve it, supervise their eating, clean up their pee and poo, move the puppies, pick up the paper, clean the floor, lay down new paper, move back the puppies.

We're starting the day with some Burns mini bites (200g between them) and evaporated milk then the rest of the days chicken mince. For this week, we're going through 1.2kg a day - 200g biscuit and 1kg of chicken mince.

Jess is still getting nearly 2 kg a day !  She was starting to look a little too lean considering how much the puppies are still feeding from her so the second half of last week I bumped her daily allowance up to 2kg - she of course thinks it's wonderful !  I'm going to lower it down to about 1.7kg this week and then down to around the 1kg mark the following week (as we will start restricting her access to the pups then).

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