Tuesday 22 June 2010

30kg of added weight and swimming ....

Today was such a lovely day that when I took jess out for her morning walk we ventured a little further and went to the nearby beach (10-15min walk) where I spent a while throwing sticks into the water for Jess to race out and fetch.  She certainly loves the beach and I'm sure welcomes the start of more exercise :)

Once back we weighed the puppies for their 5 week weigh-in. Their weight gains over the last week were remarkably consistent, 4 pups gaining 800g, 3 gaining 900g and 2 gaining 1000g.  The 2 heaviest pups now clock the scales at exactly 4kg each.  After summing up all their weights we noted that the puppies have put on a combined weight of 30kg since birth (a 750% increase) !!  No wonder we're having to feed Jess so much.  The puppies have gained as much weight as Jess :)

For the next week, we are starting to restrict the amount of time Jess feeds the pups.  We will only let her feed them once in the morning and once in the evening. Then after a week or so of that we will stop her feeding altogether so the pups are totally independent for at least 5 days before going to their new homes.  It's not easy doing so though, we really need to keep them separated. Jess loves to go and have a sniff and a play but as soon as she gets close they all make a mad dash for her and latch on !  She only feeds them standing up now (you can see pictures of this in my last batch of photos - see previous post for details).

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